Article Video - Rope Climbing - Tuesday, May 2, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - Rope Climbing - Tuesday, May 2, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Back during the Kennedy Administration there was a big push to promote physical fitness and even a program to distribute Presidential Awards to young people who met and exceeded certain fitness goals. Virtually every school in the country had one of these fitness programs and tests that went with it, and so, you find me as an eighth grader perched tenuously on the knotted end of a large rope, staring up at the gym ceiling probably twenty feet above my head.

It looked like twenty miles.

With despair in my heart, I watched Terry Bonneville, one of our local gifted athletes, scamper up the rope like a Rhesus Monkey, so nimble and quick about it that I envisioned a grand career for her in the navy, the circus, or alpine rescue. Then, with a flourish, she slid down the rope with an easy swoop to the end of the rope and hopped off the knot, landing straight as a pin. Just a tiny bit flushed.

I was still staring up at the ceiling, trembling. But I gathered my courage and reached upward for the next handhold and slowly, maybe four inches at a time, clenched my teeth, bruised my feet, and clung on for dear life ----and true to form, like an inch-worm, grimly kept my focus on the ceiling.

My classmates laughed themselves sick. When I finally got to the ceiling, and despite Terry's fine demonstration, I had no idea how to get down. There ensued a frantic conversation with the gym teacher, and if possible, my even more agonizing descent back down the rope began.

Now, instead of maybe four inches, I was making progress an inch at a time, and every time I let go, it felt like I must certainly go tumbling to the polished wood gym floor so infinitely far below.

By this time a very large crowd had gathered.

Not only my classmates but a really large audience from the school cafeteria, too. I was sweating profusely, red-faced, and every time I inched down another click, my butt bulged out of my gym shorts as I tried to adjust to my new position on the rope.

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