Lousia Peck, A Rabid Atheist, Describes Her Life-Changing Near-Death Experience

1 year ago

Lousia Peck had her near-death experience in November of 1982. A rabid atheist, she was on a path of self-destruction that traced back to her alcoholic family. Drinking and infatuation were the two “twin highs” that dominated her broken life -- until a near-death experience, and Alcoholics Anonymous, helped turn everything around.

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To learn more about near-death experiencer Louisa Peck, go here: http://ndestories.org/louisa-peck/


Excerpted from the book The Purpose of Life as Revealed by Near-Death Experiences from Around the World


Chapter 54 – Tell Her About The Light
By Louisa Peck

I remembered my near-death experience perfectly, including the bliss of love from The Light I encountered. I missed It terribly. At my core, I knew The Light was real -- but I didn’t want to admit it. At the time, even after my NDE, I was an adamant atheist. Anybody who believed in God, or talked about God, just pissed me off. So I discounted my experience. “Get this,” I told one friend, “I had this crazy drug trip! It seems like I’m going into the sun!”

In other words, I was really good at denial!

I was raised in a family that dismissed all spirituality as religion -- and religion was an archaic way of explaining how the world worked. Now that science had unraveled evolution and biology, it was time to discard primitive beliefs in God, angels, and any related silliness like heaven. My understanding of the universe was simple: it was godless, mechanical, and utterly pointless.

The home I grew up in was also an alcoholic home. In order to survive, I learned to compartmentalize facts I didn’t want to integrate into my life. I also became an alcoholic myself.

After my near-death experience, I stood at a crossroads. Either A) everything I had ever believed about a godless universe was wrong or B) I’d had a drug trip. I chose B. That way, I could continue the life I knew of drinking and chasing popularity.

So I locked my NDE away in a vault. I would have left it there except paranormal aftereffects started to happen to me. The greatest one was around my sister’s death.

She was dying from metastasized breast cancer. My family and I had been told that she had two weeks to live. During the night, as I tried to sleep in a chair, I sensed light -- The Light -- seeping in the window, traveling to my sister, and swirling in a slow vortex above her body. Each time I opened my eyes, I saw nothing. When I closed my eyes and tried to dismiss the feeling, it grew stronger.

Then a voice, which was connected to the sun I visited in my near-death experience, spoke to me. “She’s afraid,” It said. “Tell her about The Light!”

“What a silly thought!” I responded. “She’s not going to die now. She’s gonna live two more weeks!”

“Tell her,” the voice urged. Still hesitating, I was shown how my sister’s fear and hurt were blocking her from crossing over. I was also shown that I held the key to set her free.

“Go to her!” the voice urged. “Do it NOW!”

At last, I went. I knelt beside her, took her hand, and spoke into her ear. “God loves you so much,” I said. Remembering her love for Jesus, I added, “Jesus loves you so much. He’s so proud of all you’ve done on Earth. You’ve been a wonderful pianist, a scholar, and a loving mother. He’s so happy with everything you’ve done. But your body can’t work anymore. It’s time for you to come home. Jesus will take you with him. You’ll be so warm and the light will fill you with the most amazing love!”

The memory of my near-death experience filled my voice.

“I love you. We all love you.”

Twenty minutes later, my sister suffered a violent hemorrhage that sent my brother and I running for help. In a panic, I forgot all about The Light, all about the voice. “Help us! Help us!” Finally, a young doctor came and checked my sister. She briskly informed us, “Her heart is still beating, but it’ll stop when it runs out of oxygen.” Rage filled me. I wanted to scream, “How can you just let her die?!”

Then, all at once, I could feel my sister’s spirit. Her energy was hovering in the room. In life, her love had always felt a certain way, it had a certain flavor. I felt it strongly now. It replaced my anger with joy.

She told me, “I’m fine. I’m so wonderful!” Rejoicing, she filled me, my brother, even the doctor and nurse, with her love. She also filled me with The Light again, which reawakened in me memories of Its brilliance, so much so that I struggled to conceal my joy.

After a series of paranormal events like the one I had with my sister, the last pillar of my atheism toppled. It took 21 years for me to fully align with what I experienced during my near-death experience. In the end, two organizations saved the day: The International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) and Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). These two organizations helped me reach the point where I could tell God that I loved It and promised I would never turn away again — and I haven’t.

My mission, I have come to understand, is to overcome the egoic challenges that all humans face. With humor and humility, we’re here to turn fear, anger, selfish greed and gloating pride into love and compassion for all life.

See also:

How To Deal With Skeptics & Atheists


Learn More About Near-Death Experiences:

What Near-Death Experiences Teach Us

The Formula For Creating Heaven On Earth

The Wisdom Of Near-Death Experiences On Twitter

Outstanding Near-Death Experiences

Outstanding Near-Death Experience Resources

Near-Death Experiences Absolutely, Positively NOT Caused By Malfunctioning Brains

Near-Death Experiences From Around The World

Historical & Cross-Cultural Near-Death Experiences

The Purpose Of Life As Revealed By Near-Death Experiences From Around The World (Book)

500 Quotes From Heaven: Life-Changing Quotes That Reveal The Wisdom & Power Of Near-Death Experiences (Book)

NDE Stories

Encounters With Jesus

Encounters With Jesus On Rumble

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