Lucky Irani Circus Dance Show | Lucky Irani Circus Lahore | Circus Lucky Irani | Gulshan Iqbal Park

1 year ago

#amazingshow #circus #pakistan
Lucky Irani Circus Dance Show | Lucky Irani Circus Lahore | Lucky Irani Circus Show | Circus Lucky Irani | Gulshan Iqbal Park | لکی ایرانی سرکس

Lucky Irani Circus is a famous entertainment name in the Pakistani community. This circus travels throughout Pakistan whole year city to city. This spring season Lucky Irani Circus has arrived in Lahore's Iconic Minar E Pakistan. We are showing you a vlog of the experience.

here is Brieft introduction of the lucky irani circus
The secret behind the success of Lucky Irani Circus is the contributions of skilled artists and performers too. This can be denounced from the fact that the audience of Lucky Irani Circus comprises not only entertainment lovers from a limited class of people but also grabbed likings of those who belong to bureaucracy, establishment, and other literate social masses. Till now Lucky Irani Circus has conducted millions of exciting shows with a fan base of more than two million captivated viewers all over the world due to quality entertainment shows at optimum charges. The animals used by Lucky Irani Circus for quality entertainment include lions, stallions, giant elephants, bears, camels, monkeys, and lengthy king cobras.

Some of the shows involve “Single Wheel Cycling”, “The Lion Act”, “The Riding Chimpanzee”, “Unbelievable Aerial Acts” etc. The Chimpanzees unicycle and walks over a soccer ball without slipping. Elephants though large give an amazing look while performing different feats. Horses perform freakish circular movements there. Man and Lion rock and roll together to stun audiences. All of these animals are properly fed and managed (during the show) by expert trainers to ensure not only entertainment but the security of animals and viewers. The floodlights, glaring bulbs, the announcement of the ringmaster, the leap of viewers from seats due to joy, the clowned jugglers using unusual objects wearing ill–fitted garments with painted faces, the knife throwing, axe walk, the final salute of performing crew, etc. all comes into play to add more to the beauty of circus. In a nutshell, the future of this industry (not only in Pakistan but also worldwide) is secure as long as the brands like Lucky Irani Circus exist
jashan e baharan mela festival in lucky irani circus 2023

لکی ایرانی سرکس کافی وقت کے بعد لاہور آ گئی ہے
جشن بہاراں کے سلسلےمیں یہ میلہ لاہور میں لگایا گیا ہے

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لکی ایرانی سرکس

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