Why Are So Many Attracted to the Emerging Church?

1 year ago

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Well, Dave, we could go down a list. It begins with: were they really taught the Bible? Do they really have an understanding of God’s Word, because this is so anti-Bible, this movement, that it’s stunning. The other thing, and we talked about in our first segment a little bit, is our young people—they want to be accepted. This issue of tolerance, it’s got them, it’s gripped them; they don’t want to be considered to be intolerant. So they’re going to go with the flow of their peers, and whether this happens in college, whether it happens in high school, they just don’t want to be what the Bible calls sanctified, set apart. And, it’s sad, Dave, because they have the truth. And remember Jesus in, what is it John 17:17: “Pray to the Father, sanctify them by thy truth, thy Word is truth.” They have the truth if indeed, they know Christ and have accepted Christ, but they’re are not willing to be—many, not all; there are some kids I just stand in awe of—but many, I think the majority, are drifting away, and they are being led down a primrose path by these Pied Pipers of the Emerging Church movement.

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