Crusoe Economics II | How do they Cooperate?

1 year ago

#economics #statism #freedom

Crusoe is approached by Friday. Friday tells Crusoe he gets one fish for every two fish he catches. Crusoe is being robbed in perpetuity. He figures it will take twice as long to produce the net. Even when he does, half of his fish will go to Friday. Friday is a parasite and Crusoe is the host. It’s blatantly obvious capital accumulation will take much longer when there is a parasite to take care of. This can’t be denied.

John arrives on the island. Friday decides to treat them equally. He can decrease the perpetuity of theft. Friday tells Crusoe and John they must give him a quarter of what they produce. John sees this as aggression. Crusoe sees his arrival as a benefit. The parasite can receive more nourishment with a larger host. Even the anger of Crusoe has been reduced. He may view Friday as nice, somewhat of a Stockholm syndrome.

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