What Will Putin Do Now?

1 year ago

In the latest escalation of Russia’s war on Ukraine, the Kremlin has now put out a video of what it claims is a drone flying right into the Russian capital’s domed roof, in what Russia is calling an assassination attempt on President Vladimir Putin before it was swiftly shot down.

If this really was an attack by Ukraine to take out a foreign leader, regardless of the justification, that would be very dangerous. And the United States cannot afford to fund a country that would attempt to assassinate a world leader, putting innocent civilians in danger as well. A spokesperson for the Kremlin implied that retaliation could be forthcoming, stating that Russia “reserves the right to take retaliatory measures where and when it sees fit.”

I for one shudder at the thought of what they might be implying. Russia has certainly not shied away from nuclear threats. And the use of a nuclear weapon, even a so-called “tactical nuke,” which is considered more controlled, would change everything. Including the international response.

But the bigger issue here is credibility. We don’t want to immediately call this video and assassination story a false flag to justify its next wave of attacks on Ukraine. But there are certainly some legitimate questions to be asked. One, for example, is how Russia could somehow miss two armed drones flying over their country from Ukraine to Moscow. That’s not a short trip. It’s more than likely these devices would have been detected and shot down long before ever getting close to Putin. But would Russia actually blow up a drone over its own capital, risking the safety of so many Russians as well? If so, they’re more dangerous than we’ve given them credit for.

Whatever the truth, this development certainly doesn’t make anyone feel any more secure today than they did yesterday.

Today’s full Sekulow broadcast includes more analysis of the alleged drone assassination attempt on President Putin, and what could – and should – happen next as a result. We are also joined by Senator Marsha Blackburn (TN) to talk about a new bill demanding more transparency and responsibility from tech companies when it comes to their algorithms and how they’re targeting our kids.

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