YYV4C7 Miqra’ey…Invitations Matsah | UnYeasted Bread Being Perfected…

1 year ago

This is a "Read Along" and "Read Aloud" audio/video book to be read at a brisk pace along with the highlighted words and your reading speed will double. Adjust the speed to your liking at the settings option; 0.5 seems to be a happy medium if you want to only listen to the audio.


0:09 Being Perfected…
7:32 The Natsal | Opportunity for Deliverance, now known as the “Exodus,” is a nathan | gift granted and bestowed by God.
20:35 Forty Yowbel, known as Redemptive Years, separate ‘Adam’s and Chawah’s exodus from the Garden and ‘Abraham’s confirmation of the Covenant with his son Isaac.
30:57 Now that we have been liberated from the consequence of religious and political oppression by...
34:20 The Promised Land is symbolic of the Garden of ‘Eden of camping out with our Heavenly Father here on earth and then living with God in His home.
41:58 The Miqra’ of Matsah played a pivotal role in the lives of the Chosen People, with Yahowah liberating them from the land of Mitsraym.
45:18 Yahowah wants His People to recognize the essential role the Miqra’ of Matsah plays in removing His Children from religion and politics.
52:35 God wants us to remember to raise our children to be His children.
1:09:14 Matsah is an amalgamation of everything the Shabat represents. It is a chag | celebration of the shaba’ | promise of shaba’ | seven.
1:15:06 Before we investigate what more Yahowah had to say about His second of seven Miqra’ey...
1:23:24 Everything Yahowah conveyed through Moseh in His Towrah is food for the soul.
1:25:15 The Sabbatical year is consistent with the seven days of Creation, with the Seven Instructions written on the Second of Two Tablets, and with the seven Miqra’ey.
1:30:16 God wants us regal | on our feet, and thus not bowing down nor cowered.
1:36:50 We have learned that all seven Miqra’ey | Invitations to be Called Out and Meet with God work in concert to achieve a common goal.
1:41:29 We come to know by being observant. We come to understand by making connections. And we remember through repetition.

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