Nancy Schulze "It is up to us"

1 year ago

The first settlers’ landed on the shore of Cape Henry, Virginia on April 29, 1607. There were just over a hundred men in 3 ships. They staked a 7 foot cross in the ground dedicating the land to Christ, and proclaimed a covenant with God. Then they moved upriver to establish Jamestown.
On April 26th there was a re-dedication event which began at the beach where the ships landed. There is a simple, large cement cross there now, which was erected in 1935 as a memorial of the first settlers’ covenant with God. After the ceremony at the beach the event moved to a hotel ballroom in Virginia Beach.

It was broadcast in 72 languages real time thanks to CloutHub. Glenn Beck spoke, as well as the historian David Barton, and former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann who is now the Dean of Government at Regent University.

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