Dr. Kia Pruitt Speaks on the Value of Silver w/UK Patriot Friends, Gary & Kaspa @TheQuantumBridge

1 year ago

Cash App: $MamaKia13
Order silver/gold: info@milesfranklin.com or call: 952-929-1129 ; Promo Code: Dr Kia
Remember to mention that Dr. Kia Pruitt referred you to receive the best prices in the industry!

Silver is money! With the banking collapse and de-dollarization occurring simultaneously, people are looking for safe havens for their money. The best safe haven and hedge against inflation is precious metals, such as silver and gold! Silver (and gold) appreciate and maintain their value; they do not depreciate like fiat. Silver is undervalued and will outperform gold. Silver has not only been used for money, but also for industrial purposes, as it is used in solar panels, electric cars, appliances, cell phones and computers. Silver will significantly increase in value, very soon. Regulators will not be able to continuously suppress silver, as the demand for silver rises. Do yourself a favor and add silver (and/or gold) to your portfolio NOW.

The Quantum Bridge social media and other channels can be found here:

Twitter: @TheQuantumB

Rumble: The Quantum Bridge

Music provided by Marshes: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4Ro7Y...

Nature reigns product cleanse: https://www.naturereigns.com/discount/DrKia

All natural skincare line:
https://www.curativabay.com Coupon Code: Kia

To order silver and/or gold, contact Miles Franklin precious metals company via email: info@milesfranklin.com; ask for a list of inventory plus prices. Mention that Dr. Kia Pruitt referred you to receive the best prices in the industry!

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