I Am JFK Jr. (2016)

1 year ago

Parts of the story from people in or close to the Kennedy circle or paid to talk about them. A documentary about lives cut tragically short for revenge and sales, the story of a little boy whose salute transfixed a nation, a boy who would grow to become the embodiment of American hopes for the future only to be used in a humiliation ritual. Decades after gas-lighting, poison pills, and lies from the same cameras; Freedom of Information and continual work by those who Love, seek Truth, and admired the Kennedy's, has poured Light on the dark part of American and World history as a family who helped create this Nation with the ideals of Ruggedness, Blood, Sweat, Peace, Prosperity, Equal Rights, and Bonds was targeted by ruthless and monolithic conspiracy to enslave every human, man, woman, and child.

Source: Screen Gift

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