Tesla Radar & US Patent Spells Surveillance Tracking in the Jabs.

1 year ago

Tesla Radar in car showing the dead in cemeteries as active people in a park
🚨👀Pfizer patent granted in 2021 is for cellular tower communication with graphene injected humans worldwide. Pfizer - Patent: 11107588b2


I think the funnier part is just what they been calling it this whole time. COV. ID
It has always been an ID system since the start of the project. The real virus is SarsCOV2 . They just hoped people will stay blind and accept it. They want a future to read about all of this.

Tesla radar 👀SEEING the dead in the cemeteries, like 🧑‍🦯👫👨‍👨‍👧‍👧people and children🚴🚵‍♀️ in a park. Fr this is not a trick‼️

For more info: https://twitter.com/TruthSeeker____/status/1648157573189894144

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