MAY 04, 2023 | The RETURN of the MESSIAH in the POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT!

1 year ago

Happy May the 4th! On this special day, we're exploring the intersection of Star Wars and the Holy Spirit in Luke 4:18-19. Just as the force is a powerful energy field that can be harnessed by those who have the ability to use it in the Star Wars universe, we have access to an even greater power: the Holy Spirit. In Luke 4:18-19, Jesus outlines His mission to bring good news to the poor, freedom to prisoners, sight to the blind, and to set the oppressed free. With the Holy Spirit on our side, we have the power to fulfill this mission in our own lives and impact the galaxy in ways we never thought possible. Join us as we explore the parallels between the force and the Holy Spirit and how they can empower us to live out our faith in bold and impactful ways. Whether you're a Star Wars fan or a believer seeking to deepen your faith, this video is for you. So, on this May the 4th, may the force of the Holy Spirit be with you!

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Let us know in the comments if you like the video and what scriptures you would like to see in the daily, "Today's Bible Verse" #Short.

Star Wars: A New Hope
Copyright information: © 1977 Lucasfilm Ltd.
Conductor: John Williams
Orchestra: London Symphony Orchestra
Album title: Star Wars: A New Hope – Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Album length: 1 hour, 15 minutes
Release date: May 25, 1977
Production company: 20th Century Records
Producers: George Lucas, Gary Kurtz
Songwriters: John Williams

Star Wars: The Return of the Jedi
Copyright information: © 1983 Lucasfilm Ltd.
Conductor: John Williams
Orchestra: London Symphony Orchestra
Album title: Star Wars: The Return of the Jedi – Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Album length: 45 minutes
Release date: May 4, 1983
Production company: RSO Records
Producers: George Lucas, Howard Kazanjian
Songwriters: John Williams

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Date posted: 05.04.2023
#shorts #short #todayshorts

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