Live From Israel -- 75th Birthday | Yaron Brook Show

1 year ago

00:00 Intro
01:30 Housekeeping
02:55 75th Birthday of Israel
19:04 Politics
30:20 Legal Reform
38:27 Debate
43:35 Response to Missile Attacks

Live Questions:
52:03 Delusions are states of refuge. The mind, unable to comprehend realities or to deal with them, finds its ease in superstitions, beliefs and modes of irrational procedure. It is easier to believe than to think.
54:08 Who is that "most hated politician in Israel," and why?
54:13 Can't we just be results oriented at some point in time?
55:08 Israelis brag about their health services being better and cheaper than in the US. I'd like to understand why the American health services are allegedly too expensive and inefficient. Where would you suggest to start ?
57:33 Off topic, but did you see the video of Steven Crowder abusing his wife? What a maniac.
57:46 I was debating a Marxist and he replied with "Marxism is not anti-ability because Cuba has more doctors than any other country". How corrupt do you have to become in your soul to engage in this level of mental gymnastics?
58:54 A Dark Age looms ever closer and both political parties have descended to ever lower levels of Dante's Inferno. Aristotle answered Plato. No one answered Kant until Ayn Rand. And Rand's answers aren't getting into the culture
59:29 I liked Rand’s answer when Johnny Carson asked her if she feels down on the holidays: “I’m chronically happy.” I’m not sure if her feelings are valid evidence, but they at least imply the practicality of her morality.
59:48 I’m missing the more frequent shows.
59:56 It is so difficult to argue for deregulation because the response I always get is: “these regulations exist for a reason”. People are not creative or prideful enough to imagine a world where the individual is left free.
1:01:22 Happy 75th birthday, Yaron! You look GREAT for your age!
1:01:38 No amount of anxiety makes any difference to anything that is going to happen.
1:02:10 How do you know we have natural rights?
1:03:42 Bizarre how socialists/leftists hate free markets while simultaneously having the best marketing ever.
1:04:14 Hey Yaron, does objectivism have any room for luddites? I've seen that level of language directed at AI generated art and wonder if it's warranted.
1:07:01 Do you think Israeli's and Europeans live longer then Americans because their cultures are more social and less phony?
1:08:52 Hi Yaron. How bad do you think the banking crisis will get?
1:10:30 What is the esthetic culture of Israel? Do the arts track Western Art?
1:10:46 All AI-genberated art is innately derivative from a huge sample of text, image and music. On a separate note, the biggest AI risk is a gullible audience. It requires even more critical thinking than social media.
1:11:41 Why the west is flirting with authoritarian politicians nowdays?
1:12:26 Morality is like any other law of nature for which you cannot break, but rather, it breaks you.
1:12:36 Why is America more Christian when it comes to sex and less christian when it comes to welfare/altruism? Israel and Europe appear to be the reverse.
1:14:29 Researcher's at UCSD have found a genetic switch that extended the life of yeast cells by 82%. They say the same switch is in human cells and are working on neurons and stem cells. Science 27 Apr 2023
1:15:06 Is Bibi's career finished? what are average Israeli's saying about him? Are you surrounded by an army of lefties in Tel Aviv?
1:16:15 Great Quote From Leonard in that TV bit from last week: "The purpose of "majority" is for choosing the personnel of Government - not it's principles".
1:16:47 Propolis extract is available at simon bee farm to fix your throat . Near Ben Gurion airport. It is a part of the bee's immune system and has anti viral / bacterial property's.
1:17:29 Maybe a good show would be a discussion about an ideal Government Structure?
1:18:03 See pinned comment for timestamps of additional questions

1:20:32 Outro

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