(Short) Ideas are CAUGHT not created; How To Borrow info from the future pt2.

1 year ago

Ideas are like ethereal fish. You don’t own them, you don’t create them…your mind caught them…and some minds are really good at fishing.
A lot of the time you catch a really good idea but then you leave it in the mind net and do nothing with it. Then it slips out of your mind net into another’s mind who does do something with it. Then you say: “ah that person stole my idea!” Or “I had that idea first!” But you did nothing with it so it wasn’t really yours.
I think of ideas like #MrMeeseeks in @rickandmorty but, like, reverse. They want to be acted upon otherwise they’ll die. And they don’t want to die. They want to exist. So they’ll jump from mind to mind until someone actualises them and then you can say that is who the idea truly belongs to: the person who actualised them first.

Side bar: this long ass caption should’ve been a whole video. Probably will be. Hold up. Let me save this. Why are you still reading? I’ll put it in a video, one sec.

#inspiration #creativity #artists #writers #catchingthebigfish #conscious #consciousness #quantumphysics #retrocausality #2amthoughts

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