Requirements for Live Streaming Video on Patent Infringement Notice

1 year ago

This content is a letter addressed to from the owner of two patents related to live streaming video technology, U.S. Patent No. 10,958,961 B2 and U.S. Patent No. 10,205,986 B2. The letter highlights the requirements for the use of this technology, which is protected by the patents, and the legal obligations of end users and the platform itself. The letter informs that many of its end users are streaming live video content that infringes on the patents, and reminds them that obtaining an End User License from TV Knows, Inc., the owner of the patents, is mandatory for any legal use of live streaming video technology. Additionally, is required to obtain a Developer License from TV Knows, Inc., at a cost of three percent of its annual revenue. The letter emphasizes the importance of respecting intellectual property rights and avoiding potential legal liabilities, and urges to inform its users of these requirements. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in legal action

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