Conscious Teachings 24 - Embodiment of the light within

1 year ago

Embodiment of the Light within

Living the life according to your truth will eventually lead you to your purpose. Your soul's mission will be completed when you are willing to live the life as the version of You of your highest potential. You came here to step in your power, to see beyond the illusion of your current challenges, so you could start living as a version of your Highest Self. You came here to be One with God's Consciousness, to embody that light as a human. Once you embody the light of Infinite Design, you will lead others to do the same. Living the life as an embodiment of the light within, will lead others to become self realized. Self realization waits for everyone who is willing to see through the illusion of their mind. Being fully awaken in this lifetime is your only mission here. Everything else is a distraction of your highest potential.

Those who are willing to live the life according to their truth will step on their mission. Your only goal here is to fully awaken. There is no other way. You can fully awaken now in this lifetime or you can repeat the cycle of your unlearned lesson until you realize that your challenge is an illusion. Once you see through the illusion you will step on the path of self discovery. This artwork will assist you to overcome any challenges you face, so you can see through illusion. This will prepare you to step on the path of self-realization. Meditate at least 15 minutes per day so you can step on this path without any hesitation.

To read to whole blog post we invite you to read the post here:

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All Energy Artwork will be available to order. I accept inquiries on my email:

Background Music by Lexin_Music from Pixabay

#consciousteachings #divineguidance #divinemessages #embodimentofthelight #embodyingthelightwithin #lightbeing #consciousbeing #soulsmission #soulspurpose #consciousness #elevatinginconsciousness #mindseye #energyartwork #energyart #spiritartwork #spiritart #livinginthelight #energyhealing #galacticfederationoflight #spiritualawakening #spiritualawareness

conscious being, conscious teachings, consciousness, divine guidance, divine messages, elevating in consciousness, embodiment of the light, embodying the light within, energy art, energy artwork, energy healing, galactic federation of light, light being, living in the light, mind's eye, soul’s mission, soul’s purpose, spirit art, spirit artwork, spiritual awakening, spiritual awareness

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🔆Other Teachings:
🔆All Energy Artwork will be available to order. I accept inquiries on my email:

#ascendedmasters #ascension #consciousteachings #consciousness #elevatingconsciousness #energyart #energyartwork #godsconsciousness #godsconsciousness #onewithgodsconciousness #spiritart #spiritdrawing #spiritualawakening #timeisillusion

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