Mind Parasite. (Full Episode.)

1 year ago

Continuing the discussions on the “Internal Monologue” phenomenon.

They say internal monologues/ invasive thoughts & visualisations are just the left brain at work. But what if it’s not? We are programmed to expect aliens to arrive in spaceships & say “take us to your leader.” We are primed to expect an invasion—in the future. But what if said invasion has already occurred? What if the human race has been infected by a parasitic life form from another world or dimension that has lodged itself into our minds & gotten us to accept its whispers as our very own thoughts, while it feeds on our energy? A must listen, paradigm shifting episode.

Books/ The Power Of Now & A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle, The Untethered Soul, WETIKO, White bears & other unwanted thoughts, & Tormenting thoughts & secret rituals.



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