fb was depressing in the beginning stages& then everybody in the world chose to do it...

1 year ago

hopefully this Holy water will make this video more decent
drink it like vodka considering...
freedom does not amt to owning stuff
what are we good at let's chase that
i've seen myself on stage so i know how i seem to the outside world
jews n blacks, i told you i'm not pc in any kinda way
their forms of communication are so strange to me
you should be proud of them, amy
it takes courage to not be on your phone 24/7
it was not orchestrated not by me anyway
i can't fake it but people think i'm playing a role but that role is just me
schizophrenia is a bizarre gift that makes sheep uncomfortable
why wouldn't i be my own doctor
be so proud since i haven't been to an obgyn in like 10yrs
yes trance! people have this problem if they take injections n pills
the alternating gender, which i guess is non-binary
it's just how i come across to other people
entertaining tv show but very weird
my real world idea from awhile back, i need to elaborate on that "joke"
mtv is satanic but it helped me understand the world
i watched kurt loder talk about tupac getting gunned down
best reality show for what it was anyway
spin offs on reality shows, so silly
social media is just like reality tv and it's all fake or gaslighting
this is what people see in their feed or whatever
it's so very strange cos it's so obviously fake
this is why i say over n over that people are already dead
perhaps they have tranformed into another kinda creature
i make fun of this stuff thru changing the language cos fuck everythang
everyone on all sides is in a state of psychosis
why did i just turn on my brights (cos you're a woman silly)
wasting battery power out here always
it's cold again imagine that...
it is may holy shit
that weather machine up n running
climate change OR end of the world?

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