Can Your Future (Re)incarnation Influence The Personality Of Your Present Self?

1 year ago

I always think about child protégés like Mozart. I wonder if somehow they’re able to access information and abilities they later develop in their future, contained with their mind in the present now. A mind unlimited by strict structure of linear #causality.
I would argue that we are entangled on a quantum level with our future selves, because if the flow of time truly is an illusion, then you are everything you are going to be, right now. And so everything you do experience in the future can very well be influencing who you are and what you do now. And in this short, I’m suggesting this #retrocausality may also extend to your #future #reincarnation(s) as well.

#philosophy #technophilosophy #futurist #spirituality #conscious #consciousness #quantumconsciousness #quantumphysics #higherself

#quantumphilosophy #technophilosophy #timeisanillusion #quantumphysics #quantumimmortality #philosophy #timeisanillusion #simulationtheory #infinity #multiverse #aliens #consciousness #manyworlds #freethinker #conscious #timeisanillusion #advaitist #nonduality #alanwatts #buddhism

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