Obadiah 1-9 | THE DESTRUCTION OF EDOM | May 3, 2023

1 year ago

Lesson begins around 20:00.

How humble are you? Are you proud of your humility?

Obadiah spoke to an unrepentant, proud people of times past so how is this relevant to us today? Pride, envy, greed, deceit, were all traits of Obadiah's time...just like it is in ours. The hypocrisy and pride of our nation and yes, even our church is a cancer that will see God's judgment. Prepare yourself! The ship is sinking! Repent and call on Jesus for your salvation!

Photo by Filippo Cesarini on Unsplash

#Jesus #Church #Obadiah #CalvaryChapelMissionValley #CalvaryChapel #pride #judgment #repent #repentance #immigration #petrodollar

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