Tucker FIRED For Exposing Neocon LIES: Fox's Murdoch Met With Zelenskyy BEFORE Firing Tucker

1 year ago

Theories continue to develop on why exactly Tucker Carlson was fired from Fox News.
Jon Miller is back to talk about a report alleging the Murdoch family met with the President of Ukraine, Volodymir Zelenskyy.
According to the Washington Post Rupert Murdoch was disturbed by Tucker Carlson’s reporting on the Ukraine Russia war.
Neocons at the DOD are very happy that Tucker is no longer on air at Fox.
Tucker was fired because those in power are desperate to maintain the globalist world order, protecting NATO, and bolstering U.S. imperialism.
The entire war apparatus is based around making weapons of war and finding nations who want to buy them.
Fox News used to be an alternative news source but now they are part of the club and follow the orders they are given.
The Murdoch family does not care if T.V. ratings tank because they have plenty of money.
It’s much more important and profitable to protect the military industrial complex as the world marches to WW3.
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