My song MY RED MEN'S PANTIES 5/3/2023

1 year ago

I just finished this rough draft today. It's a funny country song. Hope you like it and thanks for watching! The lyrics are:

Mama and Me ain't been out for weeks
we been a strugglin day after day.
The kids are fightin, and the laundry's piling
cause the electric bills weren't paid.
The grass in the yard is gettin up to our knees cause the mower took a dump last week.
We're gettin real tired of hangin round playin cards and Monopoly.

We're makin plans, we're gonna raid that jug we been
throwin our change in for years,
call Mom and Dad
to take these kids that keep screamin in our ears.
Mama can't wait for me to change my draws and put my red men's panties on!

Well she gave'em to me one Christmas Eve after all the kids fell asleep.
She smiled at me with the strangest grin and never said a peep.
I was so surprised and I wondered why but it soon became apparent to me
when she jumped my bones
and ripped off my shirt and said, tonight you're wearing these for me.

We ran into the room in a heat of passion
and for the next 3 minutes we were wrestling
like we
used to do
when we were teens.
I couldn't believe such a little thing could bring her to her knees.

Well I feel strong like ole King Kong
with my red men's panties on.
Just like Superman, here I stand
with my red men's panties on.
I hope my buddies never see me
with my red men's panties on.
Cause I'm so happy when she tells me, put
your red men's panties on.
Made in the U.S.A.!

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