Is Translanguaging Compatible with Neurolinguistics? ft. Dr. Thomas Bak

1 year ago

-Bak TH, Long MR, Vega-Mendoza M, Sorace A. (2016) Novelty, Challenge, and Practice: The Impact of Intensive Language Learning on Attentional Functions. PLoS One. Published on-line 27 April 2016.

-Bak TH, Nissan J, Allerhand M, Deary IJ (2014) Does Bilingualism Influence Cognitive Ageing? Annals of Neurology 75 (6): 959-63.
Alladi S, Bak TH, Duggirala V, Surampudi B, Shailaja M, Shukla AK, Chaudhuri JD, Kaul S (2013). Bilingualism delays age at onset of dementia, independent of education and immigration status. Neurology 81 (22):1938-1944.

-Bak TH, Chandran S (2012) What wires together, fires together: Verbs, Actions and Neurodegeneration in Motor Neuron Disease. Cortex, 48, 9367-944.

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