As you are awakening to the Light of the New Sun

1 year ago
67 As you are awakening to the Light of the New Sun you are opening a doorway within that takes you beyond the illusion that you have been held within by the your own resistance to awakening. The resistance is there because the idea of separation was necessary to create a physical reality and now as this infrastructure has been completed it holds you ready for the transformation into your Higher Light Body.

888 Creations happen within, for this is how manifestation is brought into willing existence, through the moving of the evolutionary spiral of inner wisdom and fulfillment of the hunger and desire for being. Life desires to experience and in your life you are always known by your desire and your aspiration to live in joy and be inspired. Life is the enthusiasm, the love, the joy, the energy of being alive and in perfect presence with that which allows for greater bliss and ecstasy.

When Illusion is present it is because of the first natural separation for experience. When illusion becomes painful it is the misdirection of energy where a wound from a past experience has been accepted and there is a hole in the being where the energy that is within is exposed to imperfection and becomes infected by that which has been created. The new creation must be done in the Void in purity and clarity of the new vision and life that is not being held back by past patterns for it is a child of the future and it is not that which is held by the limitations of a past that was incomplete or misunderstood.

From the unreal to the real, from darkness to Light from death to immortality, there is peace within the world that awakens you to see the path and the movement is directional and circular and has a creative range of experience that ties it to the structure within which has preceded it through holographic resonance. When there is illusion it is in this field of probabilities that are of differing timelines that are incoherent within the real vision and require a shift of relationships which have distinctly separated avenues of energy.

The separation is the illusion and when the separation occurs it is always to focus on that which is outside of your being. When you are aware of everything as being part of you and a reflection of your being and that it cannot be otherwise you are the Creator of this world by your Word. Your Word is your formed thought with desire and presented into vibration as a thought form. This is when you discover that you are the Creator of reality and not subject to it. This is when your life as a subject of time fades as the thoughts of an ego of the past and now you become aware of the reality that you create time in this now and become a being of the future.
The now that you are in is void of manifested being and silent. Sound, vibration, images, memories, thoughts and manifested things are chosen from within the open emptiness of sacred space. Listen to the Void who calls you to hear that which pleases and excites your attention. It is that attention where you awaken to the fullness of being a Creator. As a Creator you achieve the state of being by focusing upon the interest that calls you out of timelessness into a stream of experience that brings you life into focus.

Your life follows this pattern and allows for the now to expand through the resonant field into the past and into the future in concentric rings of expanding awareness. When thoughts are objective and being brought from the outside entity of the ego which resides outside of your now and lives within the past it calls you back to seek karma. Karma consists of facts held in the Akashic records and memory banks of incomplete energies and desires held in race consciousness and relay experiences within realities. When the ego self uses memories acquired from the past they are often misused, distorted and corrupted to control the now and redirect energies backwards.

When the ego controls the past in this manner and to the degree that there is complete stagnation and focus upon the past as the only reality that cannot be changed then death begins. As death is the illusion that life is not eternal and that the substance of bodies can decay, whither and lose energy then the death is the darkening of the mirror where the Light cannot reflect into the Third Dimension. The being’s perceptions are held in this vision of past factual karmic data of which is placed stuck emotion into the crystallized belief.

As mental focus becomes more limited in the accumulation of similar experience within time, months, years, decades there passes the ego’s body into deterioration and loses energy signatures which eventually follows the loss of joy of being and the being falls to sleep. The atrophied physical components are unable to transfer energy into the Now and hence create the future and the energy diminishes in primal substance and into the Void.

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