SCGOP Precinct Officer Descriptions

1 year ago

What do the precinct officers do?

Precinct presidents organize and chair business meetings, plan outreach events (bring informative speakers and build neighborhood and business relationships) in the precincts where the delegates and members can discuss their neighborhood needs, vet candidates for their districts, and grow their precinct delegation and member participation.

Vice Presidents fill in for Presidents as needed.

Secretaries keep the minutes, track precinct members, report vacancies, and maintain resolutions, censures, and any other documentation.

Treasurers receive, disburse, and account for funds generated by the precinct like membership dues.

Executive Committeemen and women represent the voting precinct at the County party monthly Executive meetings- where leadership around the county gather to discuss issues, hear reports from the officers of the county party and elected representatives. That is also when we meet to nominate, appoint, or elect members to services and committees and to just have fellowship. Executive Committeemen, or ECs as you will hear them called, represent the will of the precinct and vote on business at the monthly county party meetings and provide reports to the Precincts when needed. The Precinct Presidents should also attend the monthly meetings when possible and report back to their precincts the pertinent information discussed

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