New Government Plan - Will You Comply?

1 year ago
53 Use code YT10 for 10% off. I'm going to tell it like it is: there is a movement afoot to control you, at the state, federal, and even the global level. What we just experienced over the past couple of years was a dress rehearsal. Candidly, the powers that be liked what they saw, and they learned a lot about us as a people, as a society. They saw that creating a global crisis allowed them to make rules, requirements, and mandates that changed our behaviors on a compliant, massive scale. This resulted in, by exception, submission to their agenda - their agenda to control you, to control me, 80% of us went along. Some of us, like me, went along because we didn't want to deal with the BS anymore. You see, I wanted to travel internationally to see my son, who's a swimmer, compete. And if I didn't go along, I wouldn't be able to leave or get back without incredible hassle due to the rules, the limitations, the difficulties involved with international travel. And even with me going along, it was still a pain to travel quasi-freely, quasi. To me, my family was more important. And so I said, "Screw it, stick me. That's the truth. I'm going to die somehow anyway. It might as well be that way."

But here's the thing. The government, elected and unelected, didn't force me to do anything. I could have held out, but I didn't want to anymore. Many of you did hold out, and I'm honestly very proud of you. You've given me tremendous hope. But what they learned is that most everyone has a breaking point. Some easier to break than others, as you know. And the more coordinated the narrative, the more difficult they are, the more hostile they can make your neighbor, your grocer, your restaurateur, your barber, your banker, your doctor, towards those that don't comply, the more pressure you'll feel to say uncle and call that a day. This pressure had one goal in mind: to control you. And for the most part, it worked.

So now here comes the next globalist idea, the next federal idea, the next state idea. Everyone needs to give up their cash and go to a centralized banking digital currency. You've heard of them. They're in the news; they're everywhere. And while you're at it, let's make sure you get a digital identification card too. So what happens when we say, "Nope, we're not going to give up my cash, I'm not going to give up my currency"? Well, first they're going to make your cash worthless. And we're seeing this with the printing of trillions of dollars of paper, and it's devaluing everything you've been saving for your whole life. Then they're going to make it so cash isn't accepted anymore. We're already seeing it; it's already here. Some places refuse to take it. And besides, folks, it's so 19th century. I mean, Apple Pay is way easier and way cooler. Come on, man, get with the program, Jack.

Yep, some of us will voluntarily walk away from cash and other currencies out of convenience. But what if you still refuse to comply? What if you want to use cash? Well, that's when they won't sell you food. There's an old saying, and this is where it's all going: "Control the food, control the people." I used to think that this was because of the welfare state, control the food, control the people, the welfare state. Because when you can't eat, well, you get in line and you wait for the handout of government cheese. But guess what? It's not about welfare at all. It's about control, which you may argue is welfare, but it's about control. If you're hungry, you'll do what they say. Yes, you'll get in line. Then you'll sign up for digital food stamps. You'll get the digital ID. You'll support digital currency. You'll snitch on your neighbors that aren't with the program for an extra piece of chicken. You'll do what they say. And in doing so, you will surrender your freedom and you will be in their control. They will tell you what you get to eat this week. They will have a record of how many loaves of bread you got. They will say, "Sorry, no meat for you. Let little Johnny eat bugs."

This is why it's important to become self-reliant, to learn how to grow a garden, how to preserve fruits and vegetables, how to hunt, how to fish. This is why it's important to stock up with layers of food because one more day, one more week, one more month of food on your own means that it's one more without surrendering your freedom. And this is why, folks, this is why we do what we do here at Nutrient Survival. You see, we are not a survival food company. We're a freedom company, and we happen to sell survival food. It's why we say, "Feed your freedom." Yeah, it's a clever and catchy little sales line, but we mean it, I mean it. And it's why I'm out here talking to you. I'm putting myself, my family, my future at risk. I'm not doing this to sell you a can of lasagna. I'm doing this because I believe in freedom and I believe in you.

#freedom #foxnews #america

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