It's Important To Keep Your Personal Information Safe and It's Easy To Find It With Tools Like These

1 year ago

When places like Facebook and Twitter came out we didn't read the Terms and Service that told us how they were going to sell our data and have 20 calls a day about our car warranty and if we did read it most of us wouldn't understand it even if we did. It's important to know how easy it is for a hacker to find lots of personal information about you just from your social media accounts. Keeping your personal information safe gets harder by the day because hackers and technology get smarter but you can mitigate your risks by not opening and clicking strange links because human error in the #1 way people get hacked, use different passwords for every site and app, use the tools in the link to see if you've been pwned. You can have a lot of fun playing with the tools in the video and there is so much information out there to teach you the tools but remember don't use them to do anything illegal because you will probably get busted.

OSINT Framework

';--have i been pwned?

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