Plants vs Zombies 2 - Epic Quest - GEM Plant Showcase - Hypno-shroom - May 2023

1 year ago

This Penny's quest focuses on the GEM plant Hypno-shroom and was offered between between May 3, 2023 and May 10, 2023.

Hypno-shroom is a member of the Enchant-Mint family.
Hypno-shroom costs 125 Sun. (-25 Sun at levels 5 and 9.)
When a zombie eats Hypno-shroom, said zombie will convert - change sides - and fight for the player.
When a zombie eats a plant-food enhanced Hypno-shroom, said zombie will transform into a Gargantuar and fight for the player.

The Good:
Having zombies fight for you? Definitely a good thing.
Having a Gargantuar on your side? Definitely a nice sight to see.

The Bad:
The zombies tend to be rather fragile; eliminating 0-2 additional zombies before being dispatched. Even turncoat Gargantuars can be overwhelmed. Turncoat Gargantuars typically can keep a lane clear of zombies, but it is not as reliable as you would like. Jalapeños can damage all zombies in a row. Rhubarbarian is pretty good at lane clearing. Not sure we want to use a precious plant food and a plant slot for something that isn't as reliable as we would like.

The Bottom Line:
Don't get us wrong - this is a fun plant. It is a cool plant. It's just not a super-effective plant.

00:00 Level 1 of 5 -
01:43 Level 2 of 5 -
08:23 Level 3 of 5 -
10:47 Level 4 of 5 -
13:25 Level 5 of 5 -

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