Rhema May 2, 2023 ❤️ Faith, Trust and Confidence... Jesus reveals Secrets of Life

1 year ago

Text & Audio... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2016/05/22/10-lebens-geheimnis-glaube-vertrauen-und-zuversicht-10th-secret-of-life-faith-trust-and-confidence/
Channel Overview... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2022/10/16/kanalubersicht-channel-overview/
Video Playlist Secrets of Life... https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL73-eEs6JmCsw_hvYOl4e6M5RBzZNJFV7
Secrets of Life online... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/category/secrets-of-life-lebens-geheimnisse/
Secrets of Life EBook... https://jesus-comes.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/6.-EBook-Secrets-of-Life.pdf
The Lord's Sermons online... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/category/english/53-sermons-of-jesus/
The Lord's Sermons EBook... https://jesus-comes.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/5.-EBook-53-Sermons-of-Jesus.pdf

Jesus Christ reveals thru Gottfried Mayerhofer on October 4th, 1870
10th Secret of Life… Faith, Trust and Confidence

1. Since you have read yesterday these three words in a spiritistic book (Adelma, “Book of Contemplation”, Vienna 1857), which you cannot dismiss from your memory, upon your request I too will give you some words on these three important qualities that are very necessary, particularly for you, and also for your whole company. For also they are lacking in faith, even more in trust, and there is hardly any confidence. So listen:

2. Faith, this beautiful and noble word which expresses that man, or his spiritual being, surrenders totally to that which he has grasped as truth and, basing his future actions on it, derives his peace from, and founds his future happiness on, the same, how few have it and even if it occurs with individual people, how minute its dose is!

3. Faith, as I have only recently said in My words to your doubting friend, is the fundamental basis of everything. In the absence of faith, there is nothing that has to be spiritually substantiated. Faith, together with the infant’s first comprehension, is the first bond binding it to its mother and to the world. What the mother trustingly lays into the heart of the child, that is, of its awakening spirit, it accepts faithfully. It is convinced that its mother tells it only the truth; it has arrived at this firm conviction, achieved through spiritual and physical bonds, as the only one binding it to the mother and the surrounding world. The faith in these first imprinted truths is often so lasting and, if pure and sincere, so strong that even in his last days on earth, man does not forget the effect the first impressed precepts of his early years, coming from his mother, which he accepted, childlike, in their entirety, preserving them as the first spiritual treasures in his heart.

4. Many a person among you will often exclaim: “Oh glorious time of the first days of youth, when as a dependent child I listened to the instructive tales of my mother and accepted everything as truth, and nothing but the truth, which at that tune she laid into my heart and which even now, despite all the vicissitudes of life and all the negative experiences, cannot be blotted out from the heart!”

5. Indeed, faith, this virtue of adhering with childlike faith is the first support which should lead man into the temple of peace and serve him as prop against all doubts assailing him.

6. When I now apply faith in the religious sense, how much more it should then be! The holy banner which the inspired man swears never to forsake, as basis of all precepts and truths once given you by Me visibly, and now invisibly through spiritual influence!

7. Many have sworn by this banner, defending it to their last breath and often sealing it with their own blood. But how many others have left it without ever returning to it. And how many have incidentally allowed their fine religious zeal to be perverted into fanaticism, which then led to the immense number of abominations as witnessed by the annals of the priesthood to this very day.

8. Thus, faith can be likened to fire. Although fire is such a beneficial and useful element for the one who uses it wisely, it is terrifying for the one who disregards and neglects its effect and to whom in the end it can do the greatest damage instead of being useful to him.

9. Everything I have created has two aspects, a good and a bad one. This applies also to faith. As total surrender to the divine will, what gentle warmth it spreads all over the human heart, and how burning, wildly blazing and intolerant it is if, used by the wrong hand, it presses a firebrand instead of a small lamp as a road-sign into the hand of the man seeking peace!

10. Therefore, My children, beware of extremes! Particularly in our time; use faith as healing balm and take good care lest it become a consuming poison for you.

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