On NTD News: Lenient Local Justice Systems in Blue Cities Lead to Faster Rise in Homicide Rates

1 year ago

Dr. John Lott appeared on NTD News to discuss the reasons that lead to more homicides in cities with Democrat mayors, and policies behind increasing crime.

(Tuesday, May 2, 2023, from 12:18 to 12:22 PM ET)

"A WalletHub report concluded that cities with Democratic mayors saw a higher increase in homicides than those with Republican mayors. NTD spoke to John Lott, the President of the Crime Prevention Research Center and author of “Gun Control Myths.” Lott said it’s not just the politics of the mayors contributing to the rise, but also the local justice systems more broadly, with district attorneys refusing to prosecute violent criminals, and judges releasing large proportions of inmates from local jails."

Kevin Hogan, "Lenient Local Justice Systems in Blue Cities Lead to Faster Rise in Homicide Rates: Analysis," NTD News, May 2, 2023.

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