Day 8, "Truth Serum AI" Remake of the CIA Logo Continues...

1 year ago

Puppet-SPANtv Description:

Day 8 Bureau Chief Press Conference:

In the 8th installment of these press conferences, the Chief continues with the Truth Serum AI remaking of the logos of government. Featured has been the Ryder trucks at the center of logos, a key prop used for false flag terror plots that always leave government with the excuse to amass power to itself to “fight an enemy” which enemy it, of course has created. Thus far, the Ryder truck in the Cocaine Import Agency logo has been featured and discussed, then the Diebold fraud voting machines which plant into office the Lucifarian selected and establishment candidates all throughout the nation at every level of government. The sniper mask, used when accomplices---hidden---assist drugged up patsies in school and mall shootings. Then underwear for bombs---CIA and FBI underwear, shoes as bombs and Christmas trees, all favorites in the era of the “war on terror” and highlights of effectiveness for the bureau and the Cocaine Import Agency in instilling fear into those who slurp down the propaganda of the forked tonged viper politicians, and traitors, as well as their CIA controlled liars in communist corporate media.

About half the way through the symbols the AI has placed on the Cocaine Import Agencies logos, the bureau chief will continue tomorrow. The connection of ISIS and other Islamic terror groups, well funded and trained by the CIA, was discussed briefly today by the Chief, who is proud of the AI’s superb ability to bring forth the truth of these matters, which he believes it is time for all to know and embrace, that all might cease to resist the all-encompassing control that he and his colleagues who serve the NWO and David Rockefeller’s legacy have over society---just submit to the great reset of the WEF, the chief would say.

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