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Mockery Of Juries In Court, Rise Of Fake Juries In Policymaking - UK Column News - 3rd May 2023

1 year ago

Sources: https://www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-3rd-may-2023
- Ministerial Industry Strategy Group (MSG): About MSG—quietly setting 'competitive' British pharmaceutical policy for a generation
- Co-chairs: David Brennan (British Pharma Group and CEO, AstraZeneca)
- The Telegraph: Why do the National Trust, the WWF and the RSPB think they can redefine ‘the people’?
- Ministry of Justice: What Is Jury Duty? Your Role as a Juror
- Scottish Legal News: Roderick Macdonald, Lord Uist, warns that the Scottish government’s new justice bill features two provisions which are “constitutionally repugnant” and must be removed
- The Times: Lawyers threaten to boycott rape trials without juries
- Mail Online: 'Not proven' verdict will be abolished for rape cases and defendants will face juryless trials amid sweeping justice reforms in Scotland
- Republic of Ireland: Criminal Justice (Incitement to Violence or Hatred and Hate Offences) Bill 2022
- Keith Woods (Twitter), replied to by Elon Musk, deplores Ireland's reversal of burden of proof
- Paul from Deal (@artisnormal2021) thanks UK Column for helping him remain sane
And Finally
- Ukrainian "Boris Johnson" drunk driver arrested by Dutch police


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