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Forthcoming Coronation: Changed Titles, Changed Wording, Low Interest - UK Column News

1 year ago

Sources: https://www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-3rd-may-2023
- Royal Style and Titles Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. R-12) An Act respecting the Royal Style and Titles
- CBC: Canadian budget bill reveals change to King Charles's title
- Northern Territory Australis Statute Law Amendment (Succession of the Crown) Act 2023
- Viewers' e-mails asking whether the Coronation Oath mention of God's law encompasses the people's inalienable rights, and whether there is unlimited parliamentary sovereignty
- The legacy of the last kings called Charles (the Stuarts): George Wood's Grave, Sorn Churchyard
- Playlist: Why the Stuart monarchs are so deplorable—the Killing Times of the late 17th century began over freedom of speech
- Michael Gove compares Prince Charles to Hitler on his 'vitriolic' 1990s TV show
- Join UK Column
- Justice for Andrew Bridgen petition
- Matt Le Tissier interview by Prof Richard Ennos Thu 4 May 7 PM - 10:30 PM South Leith Parish Church, EH6 6AZ
- Debi Evans Blog: 2 May 2023

1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • UK Column always reports the facts as opposed to the MSM narrative.

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