Asif Explaining To Some Muslims How They Are Still Pagan Like The Arabs Before Muhammad Came

1 year ago

00:01:00 Arabs worshipped Allah before Muhammad
00:02:00 Did Muhammad rise on the 3rd day?
00:02:40 The shada associates Muhammad as a partner with Allah.
00:03:50 Jesus is coming back as the last prophet, so Muslims are wrong.
00:05:00 Black stone erases sins like Allah.
00:07:00 Muslims are committing shirk when they believe in the power of the black stone.
00:07:40 Sunan an-Nasa'i 2919.

This is a conversation between Asif and some Muslims, where he was bringing the bad news to them, that they are still being like pagans like the Arabs who were before Muhammad. Muslims love to say that they are monotheists, but they have to say Muhammads name in the shada, which puts him as a partner with Allah. The third member of the Islamic trinity is the kaaba and it's stone, because Muslims have to pray towards it and two corners of it erases sins, so it certainly has god level powers, which then shows that the Muslims are more pagan than the trinitarians, who only have three gods in one place.

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