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Mixtape Top 5 da pelada de basquete com a galera

1 year ago

O quadro do meu Podcast Arremesso Certo peladas de basquete. Fizemos um top 5 da pelada de basquete, a jogada número 2 e a melhor jogada foram minhas. Jogar basquete é sensacional!!!

The picture of my Podcast Arremeso Certo basketball matches. We made a top 5 of the basketball game, the number 2 play and the best move were mine. Playing basketball is awesome!!!

La foto de mis partidos de baloncesto Podcast Arremeso Certo. Hicimos un top 5 del juego de baloncesto, la jugada número 2 y la mejor jugada fueron mías. Jugar baloncesto es genial!!!

Minhas Redes Sociais:

MEU TWITTER: https://twitter.com/skullnight24
MEU FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/rtorresferreiramckray
MEU INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/rafaeltorresferreira/
MEU RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/v1fmkvd-podcast-arremesso-certo-que-valoriza-a-base-do-basquete.html
MEU KWAI: https://m.kwai.com/photo/150001447504936/5224044196145166626?userId=150001447504936&photoId=5224044196145166626&cc=TELEGRAM&timestamp=1679200365648&language=pt-br&share_device_id=ANDROID_da34369027c603b6&share_uid=150001447504936&share_id=ANDROID_da34369027c603b6_1679200363882&sharePage=photo&share_item_type=photo&share_item_info=5224044196145166626&fid=150001447504936&shareEnter=0&kpn=KWAI&translateKey=share_random109_082302&shareBucket=br&shareCountry=BRA&shareBiz=photo&short_key=ugcbbCOt


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