Carter's Grove is among the most well-known haunted plantations in Virginia.

1 year ago

Carter's Grove is among the most well-known haunted plantations in Virginia. Carter Burwell, grandson of Robert "King" Carter, completed this stately home overlooking the James River in James City County in 1755. It played host to many prominent Virginians, and its ghostly legends date back to this time. Most infamously, the parlor at Carter's Grove earned the moniker the "Refusal Room," for being where two ladies of the house turned down proposals from none other than George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Since then, white carnations placed in the parlor are found the next morning torn to pieces, and visitors still find white carnation pedals strewn about, even if no one brought flowers into the room. The property itself was also the scene of a colonial-era massacre of settlers at the hands of Powhatans in 1622. Evidence of the historical settlement was found by accident in the 1970s. Today, Carter's Grove is a U.S. National Historic Landmark but privately owned, closed to the public. #virginia #hauntedhouse #plantation #paranormal #supernatural #ghost #ghosts #ghoststories #haunted #spooky #spookytales

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