VLOG In The News Weird Stuff is Going On

1 year ago

Music by Send Rain. Lotta strange things are happening, it's going down?

I got roofers on the top of my house, I had a leak over the patio and I lost a bunch of shingles during the storms we had last winter so I figured I better get it done.

Dollar will be collapsing very soon, we will be going to a digital currency with that comes complete government control of your spending?

Mark of the beast, 1970 Hal Lindsey “Late great planet earth” We knew The Rapture was very close, that was 53 years ago, now all the technology is in place.

Fox News and Tucker Carlson, The Last voice on network TV is gone,

Tucker did the soft disclosure of UFO's, this proved Fox was now controlled by the government.

Tucker was under a lot of censorship over the last two years, he was not allowed to talk about The Jab, AKA Bio Weapon, or the rigged elections, but I believe he was a good man and the last one standing on network TV.

I got several e-mails from You Tube last week several videos on both channels videos that were two years old and older were taken down,

Community guide lines AKA Jab, rigged elections?

Food plants blowing up all over America, 10,000 dairy cows killed in Texas.

People food shortages are coming, be ready, stock up.
“Return of the Gods”, Jonathan Chan, You need to get this book $15 at Walmart
1. Baal, The Bronze Bull Wall Street NY, Compromise, replace The True God with False gods.
2. Ishtar, Baals wife, ancient Babylonian goddess of sex, love, and fertility, mother of harlots and prostitution, she changes men into women and women into men, she has a statue dedicated to her in NY Harbor.
3. Molech, blood sacrifice, the sacrifice of children, abortion, planned parenthood.

Isa 1:18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.

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