The 7 year tribulation will begin!!

1 year ago

The tribulation period is time of the antichrist and God pouring out His tribulation judgements on the entire world, America is Babylon and will be destroyed, America has rejected God and is now cursed, shootings all the time, crime is out of control, churches are so dead that there is nothing inside and they allow the sodomites inside and do sex parades in front of kids, churches in America are all about me serve me God!! We don't want to follow you we want you to serve us and we will do whatever we want, Jesus hates the lukewarm and said since you are lukewarm I will spit you out of My mouth!! Lukewarm faith angers Jesus a lot, you love the world and go to church then have to act just like the world and never tell about Jesus because you don't want to get rejected at all or loose your job, there will be many angry people who go to church that will get left behind, they were not dressed for a wedding and did not care, God will leave them left behind to wake them up and decide between Jesus or the antichrist, those who follow Jesus in the tribulation period are killed!! They become tribulation saints and those who follow the antichrist will be killed by Jesus sword and end up in the lake of fire, the wicked will be punished and judged by God!! There is nothing to get out of judgement at all, once the great white throne judgement happens everyone who rejected Jesus will be there and judged for how they lived their lives and they will be thrown into the lake of fire, they said we do not need you Jesus and will never follow you ever!! Grace is closed to them forever that door is shut and will never be opened to them, God has had enough and Jesus will just show up and grab His bride before the 7 year tribulation begins and we will be in heaven and safe, the tribulation period will start and will be hell on earth!!

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