540: Portals To Hell & Biblical Super Soldiers | The Confessionals

1 year ago

In Episode 540: Portals To Hell & Biblical Super Soldiers we are joined by Bishop Alan Didio! I first came across the Bishop on his Instagram reels where he was talking about portals to hell, monsters in the Bible, and end-times prophecies. Since then he has got even more popular and I couldn’t wait any longer to get him on the show. Though we didn’t hit on everything I planned on we went deep on portals to hell, biblical super soldiers, Enoch, what heaven will be like, supernatural powers, and miraculous healings. Next time we have him on we will hit on end times prophecies, Revelation, biblical monsters, A.I., and transhumanism because Bishop Didio has an opinion on all of it!

Bishop Didio:
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/EncounterToday
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alandidio/

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