Kalma da warsan nu Mera Salam howa

1 year ago

Urdu Naat" refers to a type of Islamic devotional poetry recited in the Urdu language. These poems often praise the Prophet Muhammad and express love and devotion towards him.

"Kalma" refers to the Islamic declaration of faith, which is the foundation of Islam. It is a statement that affirms the belief in the oneness of God and the prophethood of Muhammad.

"Warsan nu" is a Punjabi phrase that can be translated to "I send my greetings" or "I present my regards."

"Mera Salam howav" can be translated to "may my greetings be presented."

So, "Urdu naat kalma da warsan nu Mera Salam howav" can be understood to mean "I present my greetings to the Urdu Naat which praises the Kalma (Islamic declaration of faith)."

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