Where Gods Go To Sleep. (Creation Is An Illusion.)

1 year ago

We say “there’s nothing new under the sun” but I don’t think people really sit with what that means. If the flow of time is an illusion and everything exists right now, then nothing is new, period.

There’s no beginning and no end. Ergo nothing was ever created, everything always has been. Everything that exists has always existed. Everything exists-now. It is just unseen and imperceptible to us while we exist in 3d form.

The idea of creation out of nothing is not possible. Our understanding of “creation” is flawed. You cannot create anything, you cannot know anything and you cannot own anything. It is only new to you now, as the conscious observer experiencing it…and more than likely, you may have experienced it a myriad of times before and forgot.

Which brings us to the second part of this video: is this world a world where #omniscient gods come to forget and to sleep? Is forgetfulness an intentional function of this world?


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