Targeted individuals are driven anti-social and aggressive with NeuroWeapons

1 year ago

This is Vivian Kim, she is a #TargetedIndividual

she is constantly under neuro weapon attack of US marines, FBI and US airForce who are now jobless from torturing afghans and iraqis in AbuGareeb and Bagram prisons here is a short story of how they tortured afghans inside their prisons in afghanistan and forced them to falsely testify that they are terrorists

I was sleepdeprived since 3am
then i was hit with anger frequencies as i was having breakfast in UFSM university restaurant

My posts get reported to be violations of terms and verbal content which is not BUT exposing the neuro weapon and cyber crimes of US marines and their brazilian puppet BrigadaMilitar and Police who are now attacking me from vehicle parked under workplace window in CCS - building 26-A UFSM in camobi santa maria

These criminals turn a person aggressive, to force them commit crime such as mass shooting and even commit suicide

The US dark web hackers also run discord network as Aaron carter mention them in his videos. they use digital monetary system they steal and loot people, they kill people and get their property after falsifying papers. that is why most of their targets are single people.

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