Introduction to my experiances from August 2020 treating Covid with CBD + low THC

1 year ago

This is an introduction to a set of 6 videos that I reluctantly removed from Youtube on one of my Youtube accounts after receiving two strikes, for Medical Misinformation.

Originally the videos were removed by Youtube and restored after appealing the decision. But on the same dat they were restored after Youtube concluded that they were not medical misinformation. Youtube applied two strikes upon the first two videos almost immediately.

So I decided it was best to remove the videos off the platform. The original link to the videos was "".

At the time the Strikes occurred, I have heard good news from Lethbridge University in Canada and later on Jerusalem University, that what I found was true. So removing the videos, was not as bigger deal as if no one had tested what I was claiming.

I must declare that I am not a medical professional or in the medical industry and that these videos are here to help you understand my own self testing including confusion at why in December the CBD oil stopped working. I got the flue and a false Positive after an initial negative and in the end all I had in December 2020 was the flu.

Proving that CBD oil does not treat the flu!

I declare no conflicts of interest, and that what is represented in these videos, is a true and accurate portrait of what really happened. I am fairly sure it's 7 videos in total, with 6 uploaded. but I might be mistaken in the number of videos.

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