High-Rep Squats - Progressive Overload

1 year ago

Since I finally reached my goal of 50+ rest-pause reps with 185 pounds at the end of January, it was time to add weight to the bar and work at increasing reps once again. The first time I tried 205 pounds I thought I was dying and I only managed 25 total reps. It turns out an extra 20 pounds makes a significant difference when doing high reps! Who knew?

This time I stuck with 205 and just worked at grinding out a few more reps. Some of them were a bit sketchy, but I actually improved a bit after the first 20. However, the longer the set drags on, the more uncomfortable that bar gets on the back. I really wanted to rerack it near the end! There's still a long way to go before I have the strength and stamina to do 50 reps with this weight. Probably I'll need to be able to do at least 15 unbroken reps before I can make a legitimate run at 50 total. We'll see how the next several months go.

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