The Return

1 year ago

I once was lost, but now I'm found.

Special thanks to:

LukeE94, Adam Eyrolet, Airtime Myke, Alec, Almighty Coasters, America's Coaster Network, Amusment Insider, Analog Thrills, bMeh, Cameron Coasting, Canobie Coaster, Coaster 101, Coaster Cuzzies, Coaster Dash, Coasters and Brews, Coaster Studios, Coasting with Culture, Coasting with Me, Dorman 2 the World, El Toro Ryan, Jinx Everywhere, Johan Lenox, JP Land, JRiceDrums, Kellys' Coaster Vlog, Lonely Thrills, McLovin & Dan, Mostly Coasters, Mr. King Coaster, National Coasters, Parks Bros, Roller Coaster Insider, Rollie Coastie Princess, Sammy Unsuprervised, Single Rider Coasters, The Coaster Dude 808, Theme Park Obsession, Theme Park Shark, Theme Park Wizard, Thrilling Moments Photography, Upstop Media, Xscream Thrills, Zero Bri Roll

Camera Work provided by: Alan and Dylan

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