The "Slava Ukraini Slogan".

1 year ago

According to the OUN rule book:
"The ceremonial greeting of the  [OUN] has the form of raising the outstretched right hand to the right above the top of the head. (Hitler Salute)
The "Ruling Book of the OUN, 1941" - Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists - (Those who invented the "Slava Ukraini" slogan.)
Let's open up section 3 of the 4th chapter and take a look, how the greeting was intended to be done.
"The organizational greeting of the [OUN] has the form of raising the outstretched right hand to the right - at a level above the top of the head. Required words of the greeting: "Glory to Ukraine". The answer: -"Glory to the heroes" - can also be abbreviated to - "Glory"-"Glory".
For those who still don't get it, you are suppose to do a "Hitler Salute" right after those words.
This is because "Slava Ukraini" is a Ukrainian adaptation of "Heil Hitler"
While "Glory to the Heroes" is "Sieg Heil" = "Glory to the Victory"
The next words of the Ukrainian national greetings are: "Ukraina Ponad Use" which literally stands for "Deutschland über alles". "Germany above all" - Nazi slogan of the 3rd Reich.

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