E26: AI Automation and the Future of Work

1 year ago

If you’re running your company on spreadsheets, 80% of your work can be automated.

Marcin Kierdelewicz, founder and CEO of Biami.io, talks with us about AI automation and the future of work. His business is enabling rocketship growth for technology SMEs - and is not there just to automate manual data entry.

How will AI change the world ? By ”Turning employees into managers” according to Marcin.

More on Biami: https://www.biami.io/

Connect with Marcin here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcin3/
Connect with James here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-bannon/
Connect with Suraj here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/suraj-t-4a9630155/

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