We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time. Q

1 year ago

We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time. Q

Q Drop 916 (picture left side header)
10-Mar-2018 1:04:36 AM EST
1+3+2+1+8+1+4+3+6=29 or 119 <> 911
Q !UW.yye1fxo
What about Awan.
Is ISRAEL involved?
We are saving ISRAEL for last.
Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.

ARE WE NOW CLOSE TO UNDERSTANDING the ISRAELI Connection? Here are some ideas. NAZI'S , the UKRAINE BIOLABS, Ancient Technology? ISRAEL. 9/11 invasion of IRAQ. Sorcery?
This is a complicated subject and with so much at risk INTERNATIONALLY at this time the education PROCESS must begin so when this happens ... we have told you the BASICS of why. EVERYTHING THAT YOU THOUGHT WAS TRUTH... IS LIES. This short 17:00 Program explains how since the 50's the programs that were "trusted" and that the "MSM" made look as completely NORMAL.. WERE NOT.
How Reagan and Ollie North and Maxwell and other prominent names in the news for YEARS are now not referenced in the ISRAELI corruption story? Are all ISRAELI'S Bad? Of course not.
This INTERNATIONAL Group were a part of our "everyday" lives. We consumed their product, we bought their script, we funded their programs with our State, Local and National TAXES !! WE BUILT THEIR FACILITIES, WE BECAME THEIR SLAVES. We USED the PROMIS SOFTWARE that had a backdoor into our principle BIOLAB in Los Alamos NM. Juan worked on some of these projects as an investigator for the White Hats back then. https://themillenniumreport.com/2019/10/the-octopus-inslaw-promis-software-scandal-and-those-killed-by-its-tentacles/

This is why Juan is now calling them out for what they are.. and here in this program are all the bullet points.. This is the story of how Deep the Deep State is controlling most of what has happened in our past including 9/11 .. with Democrats and Republicans ALIKE with certain persons like Jeffery Epstein who ran huge criminal enterprises. I have below some programs that go into DEPTH on these topics. Today is the THREE YEAR anniversary of EPSTEIN'S "death". Did he kill himself? Was Israel involved? Do we have direct connections back to this? The interweaving of the OCTOPUS. Follow this as best you can.. because so much of this is the DEEP STATE PLAN.. and why it is taking SO LONG.

Dark Journalist with Joseph Farrell and the PROMIS Software:
Farrell outlines 9/11 as a three-level operation comprised of 1). The infamous "19 hijackers", who were used as patsies by elements inside the 2). National Security State (the group that is commonly the focus of non-mainstream 9/11 research) and 3). A coalition of forces, which developed after the defeat of Germany in World War II, which is a powerful but clandestine remnant of the eugenicist Nazi Party. This group is global and not relegated solely to Germany, by any means.

After WWII, this group continued to work behind the scenes, involving themselves in secretive, criminal activities, from drug-running to the development of the The Bilderberg Group, to a secret system of finance, which laundered the proceeds from the sale of stolen Nazi assets. Today, it functions to processes the black market-derived income that funds their activities.

As is generally acknowledged in the Independent Media, this group infiltrated the intelligence agencies of the US, NASA and it has sympathizers in the Military Industrial Complex. This group also played a major role in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

In researching the many anomalies of the Pentagon attack and the take down of Flight 93 in Pennsylvania, Farrell discovered witnesses who described some perplexing features in their testimony, such as Flight 77 appearing to “melt" instead of crash into the building. Others described a missile with wings attached and some claimed they only saw an explosion with no plane visible! He also refers to photos that show almost no debris on the Pentagon lawn and the appearance of just a small hole at the crash site, hardly enough of a footprint for a major crash of an airliner.

Farrell also found that the same Swedish cleanup company that was remodeling the Pentagon before 9/11 was granted the contract to restore the damaged areas of the building complex and bizarrely to also handle all of the cleanup activities at the World Trade Center. The company donned nuclear protocol suits while they were working to clear the unusually small amount of debris at the major crash sites.

Farrell further investigates one of the main witnesses that has been put under embargo not to testify or be questioned named Frank Probst. A retired Army officer and Pentagon employee, Probst provided contradictory testimony, but his story of watching the plane fly into the Pentagon and having to jump out of the way became the foundation of the official story. In addition, he was somehow in a position to corroborate every major point of the narrative. Digging into his past, Farrell traces his background and expertise to being involved with the remote operation of airliners, raising major concerns about the crash being manipulated from the ground.

https://youtu.be/yn0j5DVBd3s AFTERMATH DEEP STATE DISINFO - 9/11 & ROGUE NETWORKS! Part THREE.

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