Florida mom left with no answers on Medicaid as her child waits for treatment

1 year ago

The state Department of Children and Families is currently re-evaluating 5.5 million Medicaid accounts to determine who still qualifies and who needs to be removed. This is happening one month after benefits that were enacted at the height of the pandemic expired and now the effects are being felt. For some recipients, the waiting has turned into a nightmare. For Liz Adams, in the last 24 hours, she was informed her two kids were dropped from Medicaid. The news also came a day before her 7-year-old son, Bryan, was set to have a biopsy procedure. He's currently in remission from leukemia. "I am mad. I am mad at how they can do this to a child," Adams said. Adams said she never received a letter, call, or any other form of communication from DCF about being dropped or the potential of being dropped. She said she's used Medicaid for seven years for her children and said while they were dropped, she still has coverage.

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