1943 Teheran and Cairo Conference. Roosevelt, Churchill, Chiang Kai-shek and Stalin WW2 4k 60fps

1 year ago

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The Cairo & Teheran Conference, 1943
In November and December of 1943, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt met with Chinese President Chiang Kai-shek and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in Cairo, Egypt, to discuss the progress of the war against Japan and the future of Asia. In addition to discussions about logistics, they issued a press release that cemented China's status as one of the four allied Great Powers and agreed that territories taken from China by Japan, including Manchuria, Taiwan, and the Pescadores, would be returned to the control of the Republic of China after the conflict ended.

During the spring and summer of 1943, President Roosevelt grew increasingly concerned about the status of the ongoing conflict in China. Morale was low and inflation high in China, leading to concerns that the country could give up its fight or fall to the continuous Japanese onslaught. Moreover, the leader of U.S. forces in the theater, General Joseph Stilwell, did not get along well with Chiang Kai-shek, and their personal conflicts seemed to foreshadow potential cracks in the alliance. Other problems, such as difficulties getting much-needed supplies through to General Claire Chennault, who was leading U.S. air forces in China, and the lack of a full-on air assault as promised by the U.S. Government also contributed to growing tensions. Roosevelt wanted positive, productive relations with China after the war, as well as Chinese assistance in keeping British, Russian, and Japanese expansion in Asia in check, so he proposed the Cairo conference as a means of expressing public confidence in the Republic of China. The conference itself was a stopover on the way to meet Soviet leader Joseph Stalin in Tehran, but the Roosevelt Administration gave the Chinese leader a symbolic boost by meeting with him privately before the conference began and before Churchill arrived.

In the Cairo Declaration, jointly released by the United States, the Republic of China and Great Britain on December 1, 1943, the allies pledged to continue the war against Japan and to eject the Japanese forces from all the territories it had conquered, including the Chinese territories, Korea, and the Pacific Islands.

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